
Much of the information about How to Cook Everything Vegetarian is located on the app itself, in the Help section. (Tap More, on the bottom right hand corner of the iPhone app, to see this option; in the iPad app, tap Help in the Contents menu at the upper left hand corner.)

Within Help, there are Quick Hints to get you started on the apps, and several other sections with more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will you be updating the app to support iOS 11?
You're in luck! We've released a new version of the app to support iOS 11. Please check your updates. If you have the older iPhone-only version of the app, which has not been sold in years, then sorry... you'll need to buy the current version. For a discount, buy our Bittman Bundle.
How can I set the app to display metric units?
Metric can be turned on from the Settings menu. Find it by tapping More on the home screen on the iPhone apps, or by tapping Settings directly on the iPad home screen.
How do I find a recipe?
You can either browse for one, by tapping the Browse Recipes button, or you can search for one, by tapping Search.
What if I only want vegan recipes?
Use Search, but add a filter: Tap the V (for Vegan ) under Recipe Type.Only recipes that are vegan will appear in your results. That also goes for fast (30 minutes or less), make-ahead, and essential recipes—those that Mark Bittman thinks everyone should know because they're building-block recipes, or are super-easy and/or super-popular.
So I can search for specific recipes. But what if I want to learn something more general—like how to bake bread?
Again, you can search—but if you don't have a particular recipe you're looking for, you might tap Kitchen Basics, where Mark Bittman gives his signature straightforward advice about techniques, equipment, ingredients, and various dishes, such as home-baked bread (or gnocchi or vegan substitutions that taste great).
Can I flag a recipe to look at later?
Yes! In the iPhone, use the action icon in the upper right-hand corner of any recipe to save it to Favorites; on the iPad, tap the star icon in the upper left hand corner. Within Favorites you can create several folders, although we start you off with one, 'My Favorites.' To add another folder, tap Edit (in the upper right hand corner), tap the green icon that appears, add the name of your new folder, and save it.
How do I use the shopping list feature?
With the iPhone, the easiest way is to tap the action icon in the upper right-hand corner of any recipe to save its ingredients to a shopping list; on the iPad, tap the shopping-cart icon. You can also tap the Shop icon at the bottom of the app, select a shopping list (My Groceries is there to get you started), and add items using the plus sign that's located at the lower right hand corner.
Can I remove items from my shopping list if I change my mind after adding them?
Use the trashcan icon at the base of the shopping list to delete all the ingredients from a recipe, or use the shopping list's edit mode to delete one item at a time.
How do I edit a shopping list?
Tap the pencil in the upper right-hand corner to go into edit mode (the shopping cart signifies shop mode).
Will you do Android versions of this app?
We're not yet ready to announce an Android version of any of the How to Cook Everything apps. But we'll broadcast it far and wide when and if we do.

More questions?

If you have questions about How to Cook Everything Vegetarian or any of our other apps, feel free to email us at